Monday, June 8, 2009

Chapter Two

We had another great day today. After a hearty breakfast, we had our first cabin inspection. All of our campers (mostly) did a great job cleaning their area and keeping up with their belongings. After a really tough decision, Mr. Steven Miller's cabin won inspection for the day. We spent some time working out and practicing our patterns, but we spent even more time playing. We had a very exciting game of steal the bacon this morning and this afternoon the blue team won the dodge ball tournament. We ended the evening with game night in the cafeteria. Camp is running smoothly and everyone is having a blast!
Here are some pictures of our dodge ball tournament.


  1. thanks for all the pictures and taking the time to show us parent's whats going on. The kids look like their having a blast.

  2. Looks like a great time is being had by all! Keep us posted and we'll be thinking about you.

  3. I'm really glad Jovantae had the opportunity to particiapate it looks like he's having a great time. Thanks to you all.

    Trina McCray

  4. The pictures have me excited and tired .Thanks
